Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Art (Klee) Year 3/4!

On Tuesday 29th April , Mrs McGovern/Mrs Dalkin's class stufied Klee art and sketched their plan in their book and designed it on paper, then painted it. They have been working on the topic for a fee weeks now and have been working fantastically on their topic, throughout their work they have been discussing it together. All of the class have been doing really well.   

This is an example from a pupil in the class and she has almost finished her work. She planned it and painted it and she is just waiting for it to dry. She has used a range of art strategies and has painted a different range of objects eg. 'tree trunks, the sun'. This work is neat and she has worked very hard!

Here is another example: 

Friday, 25 April 2014

Glee Club

Having lots of fun, games and drama at glee club

Mr Thoburn runs a Glee club every Friday. If you're in KS2 you can come along at 12:00! 

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to Waverley Primary School's blog.

Children at Waverley (aka young bloggers) will be blogging about all of the happenings in and around school. Please feel free to leave a comment.

Please follow our blogging rules:
  • Only use your first name when commenting – no surnames.
  • Relatives who leave comments are also asked to use their first name only or to post comments as “Katy's Mum” or “Gary’s Grandfather”.
  • Keep safe – don’t reveal any personal information.
  • No text talk – write in full sentences and read your comments back carefully before submitting.
  • Be polite – don’t post anything that could hurt anyone.
  • Always show respect  – be positive if you are going comment and always remember that the blog is an extension of our school that the rest of the world is able to see.
  • All posts and comments are checked by school staff before they are approved.
We hope you enjoy!